
Quasi-two-dimensional electron gas at the oxide interfaces for topological quantum physics
A. Barthelemy, N. Bergeal, M. Bibes, A. Caviglia, R. Citro, M. Cuoco, A. Kalaboukhov, B. Kalisky, A. Perroni, J. Santamaria, D. Stornaiuolo and M. Salluzzo
Large polarons as key quasiparticles in SrTiO3 and SrTiO3-based heterostructures
Quantized conductance in a one-dimensional ballistic oxide nanodevice
Strain-tunable magnetism at oxide domain walls
Mapping spin–charge conversion to the band structure in a topological oxide two-dimensional electron gas
Transport regimes of a split gate superconducting quantum point contact in the two-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superfluid
Nanopatterning of weak links in superconducting oxide interfaces
Quasiparticle tunnel electroresistance in superconducting junctions
Evolution of topological superconductivity by orbital-selective confinement in oxide nanowires