CNR-SPIN: Two dilution refrigerators (one of which cryogen-free) equipped with ultra-low noise electrical transport setups designed for quantum tunneling experiments (10mK, 50mT)
TU-DELFT: He3 dilution system (10 mK, 7 T)
MC2-CHALMERS: Cryogen-free dilution refrigerators equipped with ultra-low noise electrical transport setups (10 mK, 7 T, ac and dc lines, and 1.5 K, 14 T set-up);
ESCPI: Cryogen-free dilution refrigerators equipped with ultra-low noise electrical transport setups (15 mK, 7T, ac and dc lines); He3 dilution system (15 mK, 8 T);
BIU: Scanning SQUID Microscopy, using planar geometry, for highly sensitive mapping of magnetic flux (down to micro F0). Ability to map the flow of nanometer size current threads, with currents of nano-amperes.