CNR-SPIN: MODA-Modular Facility for Oxide Deposition and Analysis, a cluster system composed by a UHV Pulsed Laser Deposition system equipped with RHEED, and a UHV Multi-chambers Sputtering system, in-situ connected with X-ray and ultra-violet Photoemission spectroscopy, Spot-profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction system and Scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy.
TU-DELFT: A pulsed laser deposition system, dedicated to layer-by-layer growth of oxide hetero-structures with in-situ RHEED.
MC2-CHALMERS: A pulsed laser deposition system, dedicated to layer-by-layer growth of oxide hetero-structures with in-situ RHEED and XPS characterization.
CNRS-THALES: UHV growth cluster combining two state-of-the-art RHEED-PLD depositions chambers, a sputtering with 5 cathodes, an XPS and a port for a vacuum suitcase compatible with several synchrotron beamlines. In addition CNRS possesses an advanced scanning probe lab (6 microscopes), allowing the nanoscale mapping of different properties various environments (4K –500K temperature range, magnetic field up to 1 T).
UCM: 3 high pressure oxygen sputtering systems installed in a clean room (ISO class 4) environment. State of the art transmission electron microscopes (aberration corrected JEOL JEM- ARM200Fand ARM 300) equipped with atomic column resolution EELS tools (Gatan Enfina).